Since 2007
The Constable Office Of Ianuzzi & Associates
Peabody MA 01960
Tel: 978-977-4770 Fax: 978-977-4772

"Serving Our Courts & Community"
Bonded Legal Process Company Boston, MA
Since going into business in 2007, Ianuzzi & Associates has worked closely with hundreds of different clients. We’ve helped attorneys, property managers, property owners, private individuals, and so many others in need of a legal process company in MA. As a fully bonded constable in Massachusetts, we’ve been able to provide our clients with a wide range of services, including subpoena services, evictions and notices to quit, and more.
We’re proud of all the work we’ve done over the course of the last decade-plus. We’re also proud of the things our clients have had to say about our legal process company. Time and time again, people have trusted Ianuzzi & Associates to assist them with serving legal documents and other tasks, and they’ve seen first-hand just how beneficial a fully bonded constable in Massachusetts is.
Look at what some of our clients have said about Ianuzzi & Associates and owner Mark Ianuzzi:
“As a litigation attorney, I frequently require the services of a constable for service of process and other legal matters. I can say without reservation that Mark is one of the best constables around. He is a true professional with a great work ethic and his results are unsurpassed.”—Stephen Zolotas, Esq., Civil Litigation Attorney
“Mark is professional, reliable and trustworthy with his constable services. I highly recommend him!”—Nicky Lamson, CRP, Nationally Certified CORE Paralegal
We appreciate the kind things our clients have said about our legal process company in the past. We invite you to discover for yourself how useful it can be to have access to a fully bonded constable. We welcome the opportunity to demonstrate our professionalism to you and hope you’ll consider using our constable services the next time you need them.
Reach out to Ianuzzi & Associates at 978-977-4770 to see how a fully bonded constable in Massachusetts can help you.